Thursday 27 November 2008

Am I a librarian?

or an information officer? they have these in councils too, but dealing with council tax and benefits (no degree needed!) Hmm!

maybe I am a knowledge gardener?

a information specialist sounds suspicious....

how bout a k-guardian?

business librarian makes sense?

a researcher? sounds as if I stand on the high st annoying people with my questions, or worse even, over the telephone on a Friday at 6pm!

k-provider maybe?

sometimes a k-warrior? grrr?

So many job titles - all filling a librarianship role .... sigh ... why do people understand exactly who you are if you say your a librarian, it just doesn't need clarification, rather than when I say "hey, I'm a information officer" why??

I would like to be called something that describes what I do, and I don't mind librarian as a title, but it makes it sound like the stereotypical librarian............... because I do have glasses and I do put my hair up in a bun and I do deal with books! ......... but what word can I use to expand the librarian title, I thought something like a business librarian........ at least it tells people I am a librarian but a business one.......... is that me?

Inspiration provided by Lyndsay Rees-Jones in Library and Information Gazette, 28Nov-11Dec 2008, p7

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