Thursday 16 December 2010


So, the CILIP Chartership Handbook has been updated. It is good timing, because I am one day away from sending in my portfolio, so have just been reading it just in case anything has changed since I have been away.

I did notice this bit:

"You will be demonstrating your professional judgment in the selection and organisation of your evidence. The emphasis is on the relevance of the material; quality is more important than quantity! You may include examples of personal reflective writing (not necessarily intended for publication) where they provide evidence of professional development. Your portfolio should be reflective and evaluative."

The past couple of days I have been trying to reduce the number of evidence in my portfolio, such a difficult task! All that effort that has gone in to the evidence that I have now excluded, it is painful!

Not that numbers matter, but I have reduced the number of evidence from 29 different documents, to 21, this includes the CV, the PPDP and so on.

I am scared that I have removed too much now, what if they think I have not included enough evidence?

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