Thursday, 15 January 2009

Librarian name change

I read in The Daily Telegraph of 13th January 2009 (page 13) about "Librarians reject name change":

"Changes to the library system in Edinburgh that would have involved renaming librarians "audience development officers" are likely to be rejected by the city council.
Librarians threatened to strike over the proposals, which would have meant self-service borrowing systems in which customers scanned books in and out themselves.

Audience Development Officers? Naah!!!!.........I wouldn't like it. Why not work on improving the image of "librarian" rather than thinking of creative titles to replace it?

I agree on this statement on marketing of libraries:

“I think we need to promote librarians even more than we need to promote libraries. Very few people know what librarians do and fewer know what training and education we have. People seem to think all we do is read, check books out and shelve them”.

From “Libraries in transition to a marketing orientation” in International Journal of
Volunteering Sector Marketing, November 2007

1 comment:

  1. I do agree. Librarians should not chance their name. In my opionion it is a very strong brand! Everyone, child or adult knows what a library is!

    In Denmark librarians vote november last year for changing the name of the librarian union. The new name: Informationspecialist in Knowledge and Culture. - it was devoted. We need to improve the image of the librarian instead.
    Changing a name what does that change? We need to face the world, ask what can i do for you - can I help you? I have all information skills -finding what you need.
